
Why is Flutter above the rest?

Engaging, intuitive yet simple and easy to use – this is what Flutter in a nutshell stands for.

Powered by Google, Flutter is an open-source development toolkit that helps design applications for iOS, Android & other operating systems using one common code. In addition, thanks to the different frameworks and programming interfaces, it is significantly easier to design feature-rich applications on a budget. But let’s figure out what makes Flutter stand out from the rest and why it is the current hot favorite of mobile -app development companies. And why at Mocheco, we love Flutter for app development.

Flutter v/s legacy development environments and native languages

Focussed on ensuring quick, qualitative results, Flutter is a revolutionary solution available to developers in today’s digital age to make interesting mobile applications with minimal effort.

With Java and Kotlin as the primary languages, building apps in a native environment is far more challenging. In addition to deep knowledge about coding languages, app developers also need to write different codes for Android, iOS, Web & Desktop, resulting in duplication of time, effort, and Cost. Quite understandably, writing codes for separate platforms is also not an economically viable option.

On the other hand, Flutter enables developers to create attractive, feature-rich applications with excellent performance without digging too deep into the operating system dynamics or knowledge of programming language.

Just like a flyover or an underpass allows us to continue our journey sans any traffic bottleneck, Flutter also equips the developers to create apps with an excellent user interface that works seamlessly on any operating system by leveraging a common code.

Moreover, since Flutter is based on the Dart programming language, developing mobile apps on this platform is relatively easier for developers with experience in JavaScript and HTML5, as they are already quite familiar with the language and prevalent codes.

Flutter cleverly addresses the gaps in front-end development across any operating platform. However, in the case of native coding, they need to work separately on the UI for each platform to implement a solution.

With>class="ent completed">user-friendliness at its core, Flutter is fairly responsive and fast.>class="ent completed">Developers can accomplish all basic tasks using>class="ent completed">Flutter libraries. Flutter widgets and classes help with internationalization and the>class="ent completed">Flutter libraries themselves are internationalized.

Stateful and stateless widgets

A widget is either stateful or stateless. If a widget can change—when a user interacts with it, for example—it’s stateful.

A stateless class="ent completed">class="ent completed">widget never changes. Icon, IconButton, and Text are examples of class="ent completed">class="ent completed">stateless widgets. class="ent completed">class="ent completed">Stateless widgets subclass StatelessWidget.

class="comment-highlight comment-2bce6c90e0ff3465">A stateful class="ent completed">class="ent completed">widget is dynamic -- for example, it can change its appearance in response to events triggered by class="ent completed">class="ent completed">user interactions or when it receives data. Checkbox, Radio, Slider, InkWell, Form, and TextField are examples of class="ent in_progress">class="ent in_progress">stateful widgets. class="ent in_progress">class="ent in_progress">Stateful widgets subclass StatefulWidget.

A widget’s state is stored in a State object, separating its state from its appearance. The state consists of values that can change, like a slider’s current value or whether a checkbox is checked. When the widget’s state changes, the state object calls setState(), telling the framework to redraw the widget

Flutter app development allows the developers to make any changes to the code in real time and even remove any bugs in the code. And the hot reload feature makes it exciting.

Such a dynamic development environment allows the developers to focus on qualitative outcomes. Native coding is more traditional, and all steps must be re-evaluated in case of any error.

With very little lead time required to deploy a solution, Flutter is an excellent choice for start-ups and companies with limited budgeting. They don’t even have to deploy many resources to implement the code.

Since Flutter finds its origin with Google, plenty of insights are available to leverage Flutter to its maximum potential. In addition, extensive community support can advise you on some of the commonly faced issues and solution approaches.

The verdict

In today’s fast-paced digital age, time is crucial, which is why the ease of development plays a huge role in deciding on the preferred application development environment. While there is no clear yes or no in favor of either of the developing environments, there is no denying that Flutter’s unified mobile development framework is an attractive tool available to curate user-friendly apps with minimal effort. Even though Flutter is the future, native development is not going anywhere. We strongly believe Flutter will further strengthen its position as the platform of choice in cross-platform app development. Still, companies will continue to develop apps using native to develop remarkable frameworks for their businesses.

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